
Natasha Saal
Natasha Saal

Natasha grew up with a love of fairy tales and is an obsessive Young Adult fiction fan. She studied organisational psychology, industrial sociology, children’s ministry, and has worked as a secretary. At present, she is living out her dream of pursuing her writing full-time.

Born and bred in the beautiful country of South Africa, Natasha lives with her husband and two adopted rabbits in an apartment that overlooks the farmlands of Cape Town. In her spare time, you will find her hunting in the library and bookstores for Young Adult books to read.

Natasha’s aim for her writing is to invent stories that can lure the reader away from their problems for a few hours and put a smile on their face.

The Legend of Twin Oaks is Natasha Saal’s debut novel and she hopes her readers will enjoy the story and characters as much as she enjoyed dreaming them up.